Manjula K. Wanniarachchige, (Dr.) (Prof.)

PhD (APU, Japan), MBA (APU, Japan), BBA (Ruh, SL)

Department of Finance
Faculty of Management and Finance
University of Ruhuna, Matara
Sri Lanka

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Mobile: +94 71 8411350
Fixed Phone: +94 41 2222681/2



Dr. Manjula is a senior lecturer attached to the Department of Accounting & Finance of the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. He graduated from the University of Ruhuna with a BBA (accounting) Degree in 2003. He received his PhD degree and MBA degree from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan. His researches are mainly centered in the fields of financial intermediation and banking. He possesses skills in web designing and software development as well.


Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2023). Business Rules Driven Automated Quality Assurance Governance System for Higher Education. South Asian Journal of Business Insights, 3(1 Forthcoming).
De Silva, L. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Corporate Governance Compliance among the Listed Firms in Colombo Stock Exchange: Does Size Matter? South Asian Journal of Business Insights, 2(1), 33-50.
Harshana, K. R. K., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Effect of Covid -19 Pandemic on the Performance of Sri Lankan Banks. International Journal of Accounting and Business Finance, 8(2), 135–156.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Book Review: COVID-19 Pandemic and the Return of Depression Economics: The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008, Paul Krugman (W.W. Norton & Company, 1st Edition (2009), Pages: 191). Asian Journal of Management Studies, 2(1), 130-134.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Effects of Macroeconomic Disturbances on the Banking Sector and Equity Markets in Sri Lanka: With special reference to civil war and COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 16(Special issue).
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & De Silva, L. D. (2022). Effect of Corporate Governance on Stock Return in Firms Listed in Colombo Stock Exchange. International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance, 8(1), 33-51.
Samarawickrama, D., Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Weerasinghe, K. D. T. N. (2021). Effect of Ownership Concentration on Firm Performance: Evidence From Sri Lankan Financial Sector. Journal of the University of Ruhuna, 9(1), 29-38.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Book Review: Towards A Common Future: Understanding Growth, Sustainability in the Asia-Pacific Region edited by Banik, A., Barai, M. K. and Suzuki, Y. (Palgrave Macmillan; 1st Edition (2017), Pages: 366). . Asian Journal of Management Studies, 1(1), 150–154.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & De Silva, L. D. (2021). Impact of board democracy on financial performance of firms listed in Colombo Stock Exchange. International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance, 7(2), 1-21.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2020). Business Architecture Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutes using TOGAF. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences, 5(2), 92-106.
Suzuki, Y., Miah, M. D., Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Uddin, S. M. S. (Eds.). (2017). Banking and Economic Rent in Asia: Rent Effects, Financial Fragility, and Economic Development: Routledge.
Suzuki, Y., Miah, M. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2017). Overview of theories of financial sector rent and bank rent opportunities: a critical view. In Y. Suzuki, M. D. Miah, M. K. Wanniarachchige, & S. M. S. Uddin (Eds.), Banking and Economic Rent in Asia: Rent Effects, Financial Fragility, and Economic Development (pp. 13-25): Routledge.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2017). Creating bank rent in developing countries: an integrated mode. In Y. Suzuki, M. D. Miah, M. K. Wanniarachchige, & S. M. S. Uddin (Eds.), Banking and Economic Rent in Asia: Rent Effects, Financial Fragility, and Economic Development (pp. 38-57): Routledge.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2017). Bank Rent, bank performance and financial stability in Sri Lanka. In Y. Suzuki, M. D. Miah, M. K. Wanniarachchige, & S. M. S. Uddin (Eds.), Banking and Economic Rent in Asia: Rent Effects, Financial Fragility, and Economic Development (pp. 86-120): Routledge.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., Miah, M. D., & Suzuki, Y. (2017). Banks as financial intermediaries and their roles in economic development. In Y. Suzuki, M. D. Miah, M. K. Wanniarachchige, & S. M. S. Uddin (Eds.), Banking and Economic Rent in Asia: Rent Effects, Financial Fragility, and Economic Development (pp. 26-37): Routledge.
Suzuki, Y., Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Sastrosuwito, S. (2013). Why is the Basel Regulatory Framework Not Necessarily a Universal Panacea? Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 11, 71-93.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2012). Does Bank Branch Network Expansion Contribute to Credit Expansion?-The Sri Lankan experience. Asia Pacific World, 3(1), 72–89.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., Suzuki, Y., & Kjærland, F. (2011). Does bank ownership matter in performance? Experience and lessons from Sri Lanka. In B. W. Åmo (Ed.), Conditions for entrepreneurhsip in Sri Lanka: A handbook (pp. 235–254): Shaker Verlag.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2011). How Does Ownership Affect Bank Performance?-The Case Of Indian Commercial Banks. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(3), 71–82.
Suzuki, Y., Barai, M. K., Adhikary, B. K., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2011). The Grameen Bank “Empowering the Poor” Model of Microcredit: An Institutional Comparison with the Traditional Mode of the Japanese Banking System. The Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 10(1), 129–156.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2010). Bank Competition and Efficiency: The Case of Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific World, 1(1), 117–131.
Suzuki, Y., Dulal, M. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2010). Civil War and Financial Underdevelopment: The Case of Georgia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 8, 31–56.
Samarasinghe, R., Duminda, N., Shutto, N., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2009). Total Traceability System: A Novel System by Combination of Horizontal and Vertical Traceability Systems for Food Supply Chains. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 9(3), 148–156.


Dilhara, W. M. A., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Does Corporate Governance Affect Dividend? Evidence from Firms Listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange under Consumer Staples and Industrial Sectors. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Management And Economics: Re-envisioning the Business Management Landscape for VUCA World, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Ekanayake, W. Y. M. M. N., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Effect of Ownership on the Performance of Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka. Annual Research Conference on Developing Human Capital Through Informatization and Digitalization - 2022, Colombo.
Gunasekara, M. D. H. T., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance of Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka . Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Management And Economics: Re-envisioning the Business Management Landscape for VUCA World, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Harshana, K. R. H., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Effect of COVID -19 Pandemic on the Performance of Sri Lankan Banks. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Management And Economics: Re-envisioning the Business Management Landscape for VUCA World, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Madarasinghe, W. E., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2022). Does Sustainability Reporting Affect the Financial Performance? Evidence from Companies in Consumer Services Industry on Colombo Stock Exchange Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Management And Economics: Re-envisioning the Business Management Landscape for VUCA World, Matara, Sri Lanka.
De Silva, L. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Corporate Governance Compliance in Firms Listed in Colombo Stock Exchange: Does Size Matter? 10th International Conference on Management And Economics (ICME 2021),
De Silva, L. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Do Larger Firms Comply More with Corporate Governance Best Practices Compared to Smaller Firms? Evidence from Firms Listed in Colombo Stock Exchange. 5th International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University-IRCUWU2021, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka.
 Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Higher Education Quality Assurance Policy Realization Framework: Special Reference to Teaching and Learning in State Universities, Sri Lanka. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science - ICMAS 2021, Sri Lanka.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Information Systems Applications in Quality Assurance of State Universities in Sri Lanka. 8th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL2021), Sri Lanka.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). A Model for Evaluating Higher Education Performance: Quality Assurance Perspective Concept Paper. 8th International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), 2021, Sri Lanka
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Perception of Academics on Quality Assurance Reviews and Information System Support in Sri Lankan Universities. Ruhuna Quality Assurance Sessions 2021 (RUQAS 2021), Sri Lanka.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Quality Assurance Policy Realization Framework for Higher Education: With Special Reference to Teaching and Learning Process in Sri Lankan State Universities. 5th International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University-IRCUWU2021, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Jayaweera, P. M., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2021). Using the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2021 (IRCHSS 2021), Sri Lanka.
Samarawickrama, D., Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Weerasinghe, K. D. T. N. (2021). Can Ownership Concentration Reduce Firm Performance? Evidence From Firms Listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange Under Banks, Diversified Financials and Insurance Industry Groups. Proceedings of the Annual Emerging Financial Markets and Policy Conference - EFMP 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & De Silva, L. D. (2020). Do Firms With Better Corporate Governance Yield Higher Stock Returns? Evidence From Firms Listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange. Proceedings of the Annual Emerging Financial Markets and Policy Conference - EFMP 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka
De Silva, L. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2020). Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of Companies Listed in CSE Paper presented at the 6th International Conference for Accounting Researchers and Educators, University of Kelaniya.
Samankumari, U. K. T., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2014). Does Ownership Affect Financial Performance of Sri Lankan Commercial Banks: A CAMEL Based Approach. Paper presented at the 11th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., Gammadde Gamage, D. S., & Suzuki, Y. (2014). Effect of US Subprime Crisis on Sri Lankan Commercial Banks: Does Ownership Matter? Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics - ICME 2014, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Kalupahana, L. R., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2014). Did United States Sub-Prime Crisis Cause Seylan Bank Distress? A Case Study. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics - ICME 2014, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Pushpakumara, H. M. C., Wanniarachchige, M. K., Peiris, D. S. U., & Samantha, R. L. (2014). Determinants of Information System Success in Public Sector Organizations: With Special Reference to Organizations Located in the Matara District of Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics - ICME 2014, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2013). Can High and Volatile Inflation Widen Bank Interest Spreads and Curtail Financial Development in Sri Lanka?”. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Management and Economics, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Uddin, S. M. S. (2011). Effect of ownership on bank performance in South Asian countries – A cross country comparison among Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of The International Economic Association, Beijing, China.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2011). Performance dynamics of indian commercial banks: does ownership matter? Paper presented at the The Clute Institute International Academic Conferences, Maui, Hawaii.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2011). Can state-owned banks outperform private banks?- The evidence from Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 2011 Institutions and Economics International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2011). Are recommendations of Basel Regulatory Framework universally applicable? Paper presented at the 2011 Institutions and Economics International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2011). Effects of Civil War on the Financial Intermediation in Sri Lanka: Possible ill-effects on interest spreads, credit and bank branch network. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies, Beppu, Japan.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Nishantha, G. G. D. (2011). Towards a Sustainable Food Safety Regime: Technologies and Incentives to Deploy Pragmatic Food Traceability Solutions for SMEs. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies, Beppu, Japan.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2010). Financial Development and Credit Creation in Developing Countries-The Sri Lankan experience. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies, Beppu, Japan.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suminto, S. (2010, 3-5 November). Post-Crisis Performance of Indonesian Commercial Banks: A Revenue Based DEA Approach. Paper presented at the The 2nd International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia, Indonesia and the New Challenges: Multiculturalism, Identity and Self-Narration, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Nishantha, G. G. D. (2010). A Community wide Framework to Ensure Food Safety in SMEs. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (Poster Session), Beppu, Japan.
Nishantha, G. G. D., Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Jehan, S. N. (2010). A pragmatic approach to traceability in food supply chains. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Advanced communication technology, Gangwon-Do, South Korea.
Wanniarachchige, M. K., & Suzuki, Y. (2009). Bank Competition and Efficiency: The Case of Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 2009 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference: Reflections on the Asia Pacific, Beppu, Japan.
Suzuki, Y., Miah, M. D., & Wanniarachchige, M. K. (2008). Civil War and Financial Underdevelopment: The Case of Georgia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 2008 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference: The Asia Pacific and the Emerging World System.


Editor in Chief - Proceedings of the Annual Emerging Financial Markets and Policy Conference-2021, ISSN 2792-1220 (Print), 2806-514X (Online)
Member of the Editorial Board - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Management and Economics-ICME 2020, ISBN 978-955-1507-72-5
Member of the Editorial Board - UoR Highlights-the official newsletter of theUoR-2019/2020. ISSN: 2279-2392
Editorial Board, South Asian Journal of Business Insights, ISSN (Online): 2773-6997 ISSN (Print): 2773-7012
Editorial Board member – Journal of Emerging Financial Markets and Policy.
Reviewer- Journal of Global Ethics (Taylor & Francis)
Reviewer-African Journal of Business Management
Reviewer-International Journal of Financial Services Management (Inderscience)
Member of the Editorial Board, Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance 2013-2014
Member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference on Accounting and Finance-2014
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of the University of Ruhuna (2013-2014)
Editor-in-Chief for the 11th Academic Sessions of the University of Ruhuna
Coordinator - 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics, Sri Lanka -2014
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Accounting & Finance published by the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Member of the Transition Economy and Management Research Center at Ritsumeikan Asia pacific University, Japan - 2010 ~
Member of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS) - 2010-2012
Reviewer-Wayamba International Conference (WinC - 2014)
Reviewer-3rd International Conference on Management and Economics, Sri Lanka -ICME 2014
Reviewer-International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka ICE-2013
Reviewer-8th International Research Conference on Management & Finance –IRCMF 2013, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Reviewer Journal of the Social Sciences of the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya
Reviewer-1st International Conference on Management and Economics, Pakistan -2012
Reviewer-2nd International Conference on Management and Economics, Sri Lanka -2013


2023 ~ – Dean, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2022 ~ – Profefssor in Finance: Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2012 ~ 2022 – Senior Lecturer: Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2012~2014 – Head, Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2006~2012 – Lecturer: Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2005-2006 – Assistant Lecturer: Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
2004-2005 – Accounts Executive: Aitken Spence & Co Ltd (Vauxhall Property Developments Ltd), SL.
2003-2004 – Accounts Executive: Stone N String (pvt.) Ltd. Colombo, Sri Lanka -


Best Paper Award: 10th International Conference on Management and Economics ICME 2021
Best Paper Award: 11th International Conference on Management and Economics ICME 2022 
Certificate of Merit for the Outstanding Quality of the Doctoral thesis from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, spring 2012
Best paper award, The Clute Institute International Academic Conferences, Maui, Hawaii, 2011
Japanese Government Honors Scholarship (October 2009 - March 2011)
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 100% Tuition Fee waiver Scholarship for Doctoral program 2009-2012
Certificate of Merit for the Outstanding Quality of the Masters thesis from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, spring 2009
Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship (September 2007 - September 2009)

Teaching involvements

   Strategic Finance
Introductory Finance
Financial Risk Management
Research Methodology
Project Management
Computer Applications in Accounting


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